Tuesday, 4 February 2020


She wondered if she'd look up more often if she wore contacts, because glasses meant that her line of sight was limited to the frames. Lenses had a way of getting her in trouble, though. And she enjoyed the impression of intellectualism that her glasses imparted. Glasses it was. 

She swept her gaze up and down the harbour-side shops, as if painting them enchanting. The First Nations art shop was shut, but the artistic display of gourmet chocolate experiences would tickle her imagination. 

In the back of her mind she had a vision of rapid co-mingling of disparate concepts, or intuitive fusion of previously mismatched notions. It looked likely that she would reach such a state of honouring her curiosity. 

Patriarchy, again: the warm lashes of rain upon two glowing Asian figures. Not quite as phallic as the oblongs of the cityscape they overlooked, they mustered up an unmistakably male energy, twins of blue and red, lotuses and stripes entangled in a merry symphony within. Look, how those yellows accentuate the integrity of the whole - and that lower bit looks like Korean royal mint, but how can it be? She's pretty sure this tribute is Chinese. 

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