I am a good case study: Most of the clothing I wear comes from the women's section of a department store, but I also feel drawn to clothing from the men's section (and I even have some). If the world was more relaxed towards, or even rewarding of, gender diversity, I might feel more comfortable considering myself non-binary, genderfluid or genderqueer. Right now I have self-selected 'gender non-conforming' on my online dating profile, a more subtle rebellion, but I regard it as a signal that I wear my 'cis' label lightly.
While I indicate that my pronouns are she/her on Twitter, I also feel drawn to the gender-neutral stylings of 'they/them'.
I might be able to express myself as such: I wanted to be treated by all people with as much respect and dignity as can be afforded any person. I can see that, in the current state of Australian (or global) patriarchy, I might achieve such a goal more quickly if I used 'he' pronouns. If I were less afraid of what people were to think of me, I could add 'he' to the end of my bio, after they, so that my list of pronouns would read: 'she/they/he'
Maybe sometime in the future I will.
In the meantime, I hope to be more attentive to gender variance in my work.