- I've forged a path in life deeply informed by nonconformity. From one angle, I identity as a queer Slav who has a tendency towards polyamory. I'm also single and childfree at 40, having resolved never to wed anyone I might develop a relationship with. Many childfree people find fulfilment in their career, but I don't really have one. I practice my skills in writing almost as if I were going to get paid - but I make do on government support. I'm an antiracist immigrant who has chronic mental health issues. And, of course, I'm a feminist with intersectionality. It takes a full paragraph just to list my various marginal groups.
- I have reached some sort of sweet spot in terms of public presence: 99% of people I read as wielding a patriarchal gaze completely ignore me on the street. I have no way of knowing if this is because I'm a size 24 (Australian) or because I'm now in my forties and not that attractive to people, or both. To be invisible is a shield against a culture of unwanted sexualisation - and I am willing to sacrifice being a healthier weight to keep the shield.
- When you have associated high calorie or ultra processed food with rewards for as long as you can remember, switching to healthier eating choices can feel counter-intuitive. But I persist. I've added vegetables to every main meal, and I mostly snack on fruit. My doctor says all my bloodwork is within the healthy range. She recommends adding more exercise, but I don't think I'm quite ready. One step at a time... I have to get used to my current lifestyle, because it still feels new.
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