Monday 27 May 2024

Excursions in northern Germany

- In Coppenbrügge, an elderly person introduced themselves to me, eager to be seen with their full international credentials: they had lived on the Costa Brava in Spain for twenty years, and picked up not only Spanish but English on the way. Their time there came to an end with the death of their husband, after which returning to the small German town of their origin seemed like the logical conclusion. I remarked that their Spanish experience was fantastic, yet the departure of their spouse was sad. “That’s life,” they said philosophically. 

- In the Museum of the city of Hamelin, I gave a well-practiced speech about having a mental health disability in Australia, and considered a pensioner who is worthy of concessions in that country. I then showed the person of substantial build but well-styled hair my Pensioner Concession card. They answered in a booming voice that I must pay the stated price, like everyone else. I saw that this was somehow important to him, as a matter of principle, so I said “No problem,” and forked over the 6 euro. I later learned that the moral of the famous legend, The Rat-catcher of Hamelin, was that you should always reward a deed well done. And the museum was indeed well done, with free coffee and state-of-the-art displays, so I consider it money well-spent.

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