Did you know that I'm more likely to be bitten by a poisonous creature in my native Australia than in Thailand? The lush greens of the latter seem relatively tame and innocuous by comparison. It was only through extensive travel through the Kingdom of Smiles, followed by various Google searches, that I discovered this for myself. However as early as several months into my travels, I noticed that I moved through the environment with such a high degree of comfort that I started second-guessing myself. Eventually I felt so at home that I tried relocate to Chiang Mai.
It's been a while since I've written about Thailand. This post began as an exercise in demonstrating why people only relegate to 'exotic' that which they haven't taken the time to understand. But that's pretty easy to sum up. You might find it humorous to note that I have a lingering fear of visiting Ireland on account of Bram Stoker introducing the creation of the vampire for a popular Western audience. I do not wish to be found scary yet sexy. (There are times I want to be viewed as sexy, but, in the words of Robyn Carlsson, "I'm only sexy when I say it's okay.") Yet I'll probably make it over to Dublin sometime soon. I look forward to understanding (as much as I can within a certain time frame). I'm sure that I will get a lot out of it.
I intend to keep travelling. Much of my 'top destinations' already visited, I can now delve into underrated delights I don't even yet know dwell where they do. I can promote 'peace, love and understanding' through each journey, and enrich my inner world by learning how to emote in a different cultural environment.
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