Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Finding the S(e)oul Within

I'm not just a little thrilled to be finally heading to South Korea this June, where I will be exploring Seoul, the beauty-challenged, vibrant and technologically gifted capital, and Gyeongju, the beautiful temple-covered, monument-bespeckled cultural town that everyone in Korea regards as the most special spot in the country.

Did you know adultery is technically illegal in Korea? Many see this law as outdated, but you can still spend prison time if you cheat on your spouse - up to two years! I found this out at Asia Offbeat, dedicated to 'weird stuff straight out of Asia' - worth a look in your spare moments!

I don't know anyone who's been to Korea, unless they're originally Korean, so it feels a bit 'off the beaten track' - for me, anyway. I'm sure New York would be off the beaten track for someone who spent most of their time in Tibet. (Speaking of, apparently you can reach Tibet from Nepal again without having your Chinese visa confiscated.)

I look forward to finding out what is distinctive about South Korea; what will draw an Asia lover who is more familiar with Japanese and Chinese culture...

This anointment of the Seoul will be followed up by 35 days of mesmerising myself in Europe's harsh caress. Reproduced below is my European itinerary. If you think I can find time to fit you in, by all means get in touch! :o)

22nd June: Arrival in Prague in the evening
23rd: Prague
24th: Prague
25th: Prague in the morning & travel to Berlin in the afternoon
26th: Berlin
27th: Berlin
28th: Berlin
29th: Berlin
30th: Berlin in the morning & travel to Copenhagen in the afternoon
1st July: Copenhagen
2nd: Copenhagen
3rd: Cop - Roskilde - Cop
4th: Copenhagen
5th: Copenhagen to Stockholm (should I go by bus, train or ferry?)
6th: Stockholm to Uppsala
7th: Uppsala
8th: Uppsala
9th: Uppsala
10th: Uppsala
11th: Uppsala
12th: Uppsala
13th: Uppsala
14th: Uppsala
15th: Uppsala
16th: Uppsala
17th: Uppsala
18th: Uppsala
19th: Uppsala
20th: Uppsala
21st: Uppsala
22nd: Uppsala, fly to Vienna in the evening
23rd: Vienna
24th: Vienna
25th: Vienna
26th: Vienna in the morning to Prague in the afternoon
27th: Prague for return journey

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