Every day I get a thought question delivered to my inbox, enhancing my love of questions, but I have also learnt over the years that it's also the question mark's marginal role in the practice of punctuation which makes it novel and endearing. I still think reversing the usage of full stops and question would have a huge benefit to writing cultures and stimulate all kinds of growth, but I have come to recognise that I can love narratives which utilise the full stop in an enchanting way. Ultimately it's about how you use the system you've chosen to work with.
You may wonder why, if I'm so in love with question marks, don't I use them more often? Whilst writing for Postmodern Critic, I was seeking to fit in with the other bloggers to some extent. Why present content in such an unusual new format? I asked myself. Often I felt like I was fighting the urge to slide into question-after-question mode. I wonder which direction I will take Postmodern Epiphanie in?
I have no doubt that the readers who have stuck with me this far would enjoy such a change, so it's up to me to ask: What am I capable of?
What are you capable of?
Richard Florida is capable of presenting economics to me in a way that makes me want to purchase his book(s). (Why is there something comforting about a statement? Does it imply a change of tone? Tone is something that is not conveyed through text, something the reader is in charge of constructing for themselves based on their own educated guesses.) He's currently promoting his brand new The Great Reset, in which he proposes that more people need to feel comfortable renting as opposed to owning their homes, we need to facilitate the growth of megaregions (for example, imagine New York, Boston, Washington D.C., Buffalo and Toronto as part of a much more networked, much busier and more interconnected superspace), and we need to knock down the artificial separation between work and non-work life.... just to name a few (it can be hard to keep up with him at times).
While I keep thinking about questions and my receptivity to throwing them out there, I'll tuck my toes under the covers and see which of my internet contacts are online...
Oh, that reminds me: I would like to work from home, somehow. Maybe I could be an editor and travel writer (I'd say postmodern travel writer, but Rolf Potts is already hugging that category close to his chest). Maybe I could create a separate blog for travel... I don't really like compartmentalising my life, but it would be easy to monetise and possibly even make some kind of income from it...
I need a contact in Berlin... perhaps CouchSurfing is my friend for that purpose. :o)
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